
Cybelle T.

Graduate Ambassador at Cornell University

Hometown: Woodland, CA


Graduate Program

Graduate Program: Biomedical and Biological Sciences, Ph.D.

Anticipated Graduation Date: 2022


Institution: Willamette University

Major: Biology

My Background

I was born in the Philippines and moved to California when I was young. I then went to Willamette University in Oregon then completed a NIH post-bacc program before matriculating into Cornell.

Why I chose Cornell

During my recruitment weekend, I was in awe with the diversity within the program I was interviewing at and the faculty I was interacting with. Moreover, I felt at ease with all the students and they all seemed to genuinely get along with one another and the faculty. When choosing a grad school, I focused on the environment and interactions of the community.

My research interests

I am interested in age-related differences in immunity specifically in the CD8+ T cells

My advice for those exploring graduate school

Grad school is hard and you want to make sure you are surrounded by people who will lift you up when you are feeling low. Make sure the students and faculty genuinely get along with one another and are rooting for each other's success.

I'm involved with...

Hiking Playing Piano playing guitar Long Distance Running Baking
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