
Riley Downes

Tour Guide at University of New Haven


Class of 2025

Hometown: Middlesex, NJ

Major: Forensic Science

Concentration: Chemistry

Secondary Major: Chemistry

Minor: Criminal Justice

I chose University of New Haven because...

I chose the University of New Haven because of it's impressive Forensic Science program, as well as the atmosphere of the campus which has never gotten old.

What is your favorite place on campus?

My favorite place on campus is the Kathy Zolad Stadium, it's open to students and clubs and a great way to hang with friends and exercise...it's also close to the Dunkin.

What is your favorite class at the University of New Haven?

My favorite class at the University of New Haven was the Forensic Science Physical Methods class, specifically the lab portion. It was my first physical experience of my major and a ton of fun.

I'm passionate about...

My Family Theater New York Rangers The New York Yankees New York Giants Heritage Pride

I'm involved with...

Forensic Science Student Association
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