
Lauren W.

Tour Guide at University of Florida

Class of 2025

Hometown: Orlando, FL

Major: Public Relations

Secondary Major: Public Health

The coolest class I've ever taken was...

The coolest class I've ever taken was Media Training with professor Larry Krutchik. With a combination of guest speakers and a curriculum based on the real-world setting, I felt like I was constantly living a day in the life of a media-trained professional.

My dream job is...

My dream job is a hospital administrator or spokesperson for the CDC/WHO. I love integrating communications and health aspects.

My favorite UF Sports are...

My favorite UF sports are football and basketball:)

My favorite thing about the College of Journalism is...

My favorite thing about the College of Journalism and Communications is the professors. I love learning from them whether it's before, after or during class. There's so much to learn about them as people. I am also blown away by the fact that J-school students are so passionate about their college - their pride for it is truly unmatched.

I'm passionate about...

traveling to the end of the rainbow only to find that there is no leprachun

I'm involved with...

The Big Event ADPi PRSSA Student Assistant at UF Knight Division
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