
Peter W.

Tour Guides and Grit Guide at University of Maryland, Baltimore County


Class of 2024

Hometown: Ellicott City, MD

Major: Economics

Secondary Major: Political Science

Minor: French

What makes UMBC home?

Everyone I've met on campus. It's a small enough campus that nearly any time I walk anywhere, I run into someone I know, and I really love that.

My most memorable UMBC experience was...

The bonfire. It didn't seem like it was going to be much of anything, until it was -- it was a really pretty fire, and it was nice to be around everyone who was out for it.

My advice to prospective students...

Reach out to people! That goes for people in classes and out of them -- nearly everyone wants to make friends but people who are willing to take the first step are much rarer.

How has UMBC helped you grow?

Every faculty member you'll meet, from teachers to advisors, really cares about your success, academically and personally. I've met a lot of people who have encouraged and helped me to do things I wouldn't have thought I was ready for.

I'm passionate about...

playing the guitar

I'm involved with...

Taekwondo Club
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